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Stradāt kopā

Mēs paļaujamies uz saviem cilvēkiem un tos iedroÅ”inam attÄ«stÄ«ties. Pievienojies mums un Tu iegÅ«si komandas biedrus, kas priecāsies redzēt Tavu profesionālo izaugsmi. Ja esi pieredzējis speciālists, Tev bÅ«s prieks attÄ«stÄ«t produktus ar sev lÄ«dzÄ«giem komandas biedriem. Mes bÅ«sim Tavas profesionālās attÄ«stÄ«bas enkurs un darÄ«sim visu, lai kopā varētu paveikt varāk. Mēs esam pieredzējusi profesionāļu grupa, kas strādā kopā kopÅ” 2008. gada un blokķēdēs kopÅ” 2013.

  • ElastÄ«gas darba stundas
  • ElastÄ«gs atvaļinājuma laiks
  • Biroja atraÅ”anās vieta RÄ«gas centrā/ darbs no mājām
  • PlaÅ”as telpas/ darbs no mājām
  • Uzkodas un dzērieni
  • DzimÅ”anas dienas kÅ«ka



Java Developer

Riga, Latvia
Requirements for Java Developer position:
  • Good knowledge about Spring framework
  • Experience writing Spring Boot applications
  • Experience with SQL based database management systems (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, other)
  • Experience writing REST and XML (SOAP) based web services
  • Experience with Build and Continuous Integration tools like Maven, Jenkins
  • Experience with Version Control systems like GIT
  • Good knowledge of unit testing using (JUnit), integrated testing, performance testing and application execution monitoring
  • Experience with Linux/Unix operating systems
  • Experience writing WebSocket applications will be a plus
  • Experience with Java based Application Servers (Tomcat, Jetty, other) will be a plus
  • Experience with reporting tools like JasperReports/iReport will be a plus
  • Knowledge of writing concurrent, multi-threaded, clustered applications will be a plus
  • Knowledge of JVM architecture, Garbage collection mechanism and JNI will be a plus

Front-End Developer

Riga, Latvia
Requirements for Front-End Developer position:
  • Working experience with Angular and Vue frameworks
  • Good TypeScript knowledge
  • Knowledge about JavaScript package managers, bundlers and runners
  • Familiar with Webpack, Babel
  • Good knowledge of HTML, CSS, SCSS
  • Good understanding about structuring and writing performant, safe and modular code for large-scale and ultra-performant web applications
  • Experience of using WebSocket will be a plus
  • Working experience with Linux will be a plus
  • At least basic Java programming language knowledge will be a plus